Redefining Humanity

Photographer Unknown

Humanity is supposed to be what sets us apart from all other species. The ability to cognitively process the world and life around us. The capacity for compassion and empathy toward all other life. Yet, we see animals showing more humanity than humans, and inanimate objects processing more than a human mind could possibly fathom.

How have we come to this place? Why are the masses so desensitized? Since when is it cool to not care about life – our own and others? Why is death and the auspicious evils of society glorified?

Everyone wants to blame technology for distancing us from each other, but have we all forgotten the fact that we have the power of choice? We can choose to put the phones down. We can choose to meet face to face. We can choose to say, “Hi!” with a smile on our face to strangers. We can choose to accept others differences. We can choose to volunteer for a good cause. We can choose.

As Americans I feel we easily forget this privilege of choice. Granted not every American has choice since only 30% of the current workforce in the United States works full time. However, we still have a lot more freedoms than most people across the globe.

Today, I saw a line of cars sitting at a red light. The person in front of me, person behind me, and person next to me all rolled their windows up and scowled at the homeless woman and her dog.

When I was younger I used to be fearful of these people. I was terrified they wanted to harm me in one way or another. Now that I am older I realize that a series of misfortune has brought this individual to their lowly state.

No one chooses to be homeless. Some may choose to panhandle versus work a 9-5, but they are usually not homeless. No one wakes up and says, “Fuck this life! I’m just going to walk away from my life, and leave with nothing more than the clothes on my back and create a makeshift home on the side of the road.” If you know of someone who has, please give me their contact information because I would love to pick their brain.

As I looked at this woman, I unrolled my window and handed her an apple. She said, “God bless you” and I responded with “God bless you too” and gave her a genuine smile. I wanted to start a conversation and ask her if she knew there were options and resources out there to help her move out of poverty. However, I did not want to be rude or assert myself. The more I think about it though, the more I wish I had.

So many people out there do not realize how many wonderful programs and services are in place to really help people and make a difference in the world. It gives me hope for the healing of humanity happens one individual at a time. It is so beautiful and inspiring to see lives be truly touched.

For example, did you know that CalFresh or  “food stamps” as they used to be called actually subsidize commerce? This means that food stamps do NOT come out of taxpayer dollars. In fact, CalFresh, or food stamps actually enhance the local economy and keep farmers in business. So why not muster up the courage and let go of your ego for a moment to be proud of helping your economy, yourself, and your family (if you have one)?

There are so many times where we allow rumors and word of mouth to taint our minds with false information. If we just did our research, and lent out a helping hand when we have been able, we would be able to drastically alter our state of humanity.

Everyone deserves to have choice in a world where free will is given.

Everyone deserves love and compassion in all capacities.

Everyone deserves a helping hand and a listening ear, even if just for a moment.

Everyone deserves a chance at life.

Everyone deserves to be treated for what they are – a human being.

Om Mani Padme Hum.࿆ૐ

Ⓒ copyright Eternal Waking Beauties

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