Strawberry Rose Full Sagittarius Moon 2017

Artist: Sergey Malkov. Photographer: Unknown. Picture blended and edited by Eternal Waking Beauties

Strawberry/Rose Full Moon

Friday, June 9th, 6:09am PST

The Native American Algonquin tribe gave the Strawberry Moon its name due to the  harvesting of this delicious fruit. Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the year, and can easily be found growing wild.

“Wild Strawberries” by Eternal Waking Beauties

Because the leaves group in threes, they represent the holy trinity bringing about righteousness and spiritual integrity in Christian faith. Native Americans used the leaves as a blood purifier, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory. The heart-shaped strawberry symbolizes purity and passion giving us a sweet innocence with a twist of romance. Strawberries are one of the many crops of the rose family.

Europe coined this the Rose Moon due to the fact that strawberries are not native there. Roses are known to symbolize love in many forms depending on the color of the blossom: red signifies a passionate, romantic love, yellow – a love between friends, white – the purity of love, pink – the innocence of a first love, and lavender – a love of a spiritual nature. Roses also represent beauty, sensuality, and devotion.

“Dripping Love” by Eternal Waking Beauties

The Strawberry, Rose Full Moon is a time of appreciation, romance, and ripening as the symbolism states. Gratitude for everything we already have brings contentment by lowering the desire held within our ego ultimately bestowing peace within ourselves. We are being reminded to enjoy the splendors of our labor shown in our accumulation of material wealth. This includes everything from money, to a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, loved ones in our lives, and the enjoyment that comes with each attainment. Expressing gratitude brings a romantic energy into our lives.

People often believe romance is only between a coupled partnership. However, romance can be found in solitude as we soak up the beauty of our surroundings, the life captured in a flower as it breathes to the rhythm of the earth, or a sweet melody that pulls at our heart and moves us in ways we never thought possible. Romance is everywhere; we just need to have our hearts and souls open to receiving it.

Once we truly appreciate all that we have and discover the constant presence of romance in the world, we will be able to begin ripening as our soul opens and expands to the universe. We are reaching a point where we are blossoming fully into ourselves and our lives. As we reach the pinnacle of our ripened state, we will begin amplifying our awareness and aligning with our true path to fulfill our soul’s purpose. Self discovery is occurring among the masses over the course of this year. Now all we need to do is aim for our destiny.


Sagittarius is the centaur and archer. They are known to be enthusiastic, jovial, adventurous, spontaneous, and idealistic. Ruled by fire, this element enhances their power, passion, determination, and creativity. Sagittarius is also a mutable sign, which prepares for the change of a new season as we enter summer. Mutable signs are highly adaptable problem solvers, who are resourceful and detail oriented. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius bringing good luck, prosperity, growth, and optimism.

Be prepared to find your inner fire as it surges creativity and passion into your life. Once we discover our goals, we will be able to enjoy every moment of the process with enthusiasm and an adventurous spontaneity. Not to say there won’t be difficult moments, but when we are aligned with our higher self, we are jettisoned toward our true purpose with ease. The fact that Sagittarius is a resourceful problem solver aids us immensely through this journey. Paired with Jupiter, we will be showered with an extra amount of magic bringing luck and prosperity. Jupiter will be placed in Libra during this lunar phase, so we will more likely be favored during moments of morality, giving, and philanthropy.

Planetary Placements

Three of our planets are placed in the zodiac sign they rule over.

Artist: Cafe Astrology

The first is Mercury in Gemini. Mercury is the planet of our thought processes and communication, and Gemini is all about utilizing their intellect and speaking their truth. Self expression and sociability are going to be major factors during this lunar cycle. The needs of our soul will be met as we voice the truth of our higher selves and network to create the community we have been looking for (business associates, friendships, etc). It is important to work on connecting the higher three main Chakras during this time to facilitate accurate speech using our soul’s intellect over our ego’s.

Venus in Taurus is the second planetary and zodiac pairing. Venus is the planet of love, pleasures, and values as it rules over the earth sign of Taurus. Taurus is hardworking, nurturing, and enjoys routine and material comforts. This alignment is bringing stability and dependability into our daily schedule creating a strong foundation for everything to come. We are at a point where we will be accumulating more than enough worldly abundance. This allows us more freedom to harness the adventurous Sagittarius’s need to travel and try new things. The world is our oyster.

Lastly, we find Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is the planet of dreams, spiritual enlightenment, and compassion, while Pisces is highly sensitive, intuitive, and spiritual. This is going to open our sensitivity to the vibrations of the world and universe, and enhance our connection to our spirituality and souls. We are going to find ourselves noticing the ties we have with everyone and everything around us. As we open up to the realm of infinite possibilities we will align our subtle bodies and see truth with clarity. Record your dreams as these are lessons our soul is learning while our physical form is asleep. Notice any trends and address them while awake.

We are in the process of making a progressive transformation in the direction of our lives. For the past year we have been shedding our physical ego form to connect to our higher beings and raise our vibration, which in turn has lit up the collective consciousness allowing more to awaken. Each of us is going to find an innovative way to express our true self. As we shine in a unique way and make the connections needed to achieve our destiny, we are going to accumulate a vast amount of wealth on a soul level.

Ceremony Tools

During the full moon, we are often in the process of releasing. In order to transform, the first step is letting go. Right now we are being asked to continue shedding the last remaining parts of our ego that we keep clutching as a safety blanket. Once we relinquish these final hooks from our soul, we will be able to manifest our destinies fully by connecting to our true form. The tools needed for this ceremony include sage, incense, candles, crystals, a pen, and paper.

In preparation for all of my lunar ceremonies, I create crystal grids with the main stone of choice in the center. For this ceremony, I have chosen Strawberry Quartz as the focal point.

Strawberry Quarts. Photographer: Unknown

Strawberry Quartz brings clarity and amplifies the properties of other stones around it. It also promotes love, gratitude, and generosity. As it balances and aligns our subtle bodies, we are able to gain insight and understanding into our purpose on a spiritual level. The Strawberry Quartz vibrates with the same energy of the Strawberry Full Moon, and is enhanced due to the planetary placements of this significant time.

Next, I smudge my space with white sage. I will begin by asking my guides of choice to be present, and help me release the last parts of my ego as I shed the final feathers of my plumage in my phoenix form. Using my left hand I rotate my sage bundle counter clockwise creating small circles. As I continue this motion in my wrist, I also form larger counter clockwise circles as I extend my arm. Once I complete three full rotations, I switch to my right hand and move clockwise in the same manner. Counter clockwise circles cleanse the space of old, stale energy that is charged, whereas clockwise circles draw in positive energy to my space. Finally, I light my incense and candles of choice.

I have chosen Red Rose incense for this particular ceremony. Red Rose is perfect for the Rose Full Moon by drawing in love and light. I plan on pairing my incense with pink, white, green, and lavender or violet candles. Pink candles will draw in more gentle love, white will help keep my space cleansed, green will ground me during this process, and lavender or violet will connect me to my higher self and universe. My intention is to release the facets of my self that are no longer needed with love as I express my gratitude for how they have helped me in the past.

I will picture a miniature form of myself bearing all of this fear, anger, resentment, pain, and behaviors that bring feelings of guilt and shame sitting in my palms. As I smile and thank her for all she has done to protect me to see that justice was served, I will give her a little kiss. From there I will let her know she does not need to harbor these feelings for me anymore because I intend on becoming an open channel allowing these feelings to flow through me without holding onto them. Lastly, I will give her one last kiss and set her free as she floats to the universe.

Once done with this process, I will record everything I want to unhook onto a piece of paper. As I write each aspect with loving intention, I visualize each hook releasing from my being. When I am finished with my list I will light it on fire with my pink or white candle. I chose fire to aid in my release since Sagittarius is a fire element. Once my list has completely turned to ashes, I will picture my phoenix form doing the same. Afterward, I thank my guides for being present and protecting me with love and light during this process. I continue to sit and meditate until my candles and incense have finished burning out.

I hope you receive this article with love. Happy releasing waking beauties!

Om Mani Padme Hum.࿆ૐ

Ⓒ copyright Eternal Waking Beauties

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